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Unread postby zmeura » 29 Oct 2013 22:12

Wicardd este un emulator cunoscut mai mult pe la rusi, ei il folosesc pentru tricolor si e util mai ales pe via si cryptoworks. Interesant e ca poate citi din fisiere cu clei dar si din cele destinate cardurilor Fun card, goldcard etc. Se pot pune linii N in el sau se pot da linii N din el, ce fel de carduri poate citi ... nu pot spune exact pentru ca sunt putine informatii de gasit intr-o limba de circulatie internationala. In ultima perioada a fost folosit pentru a deschide UPC cu el pe diverse receptoare, dar merge si ORF sau TNTSat si altele.
Eu il folosesc in paralel cu oscam pentru a lua din fisierul cu clei ce mai merge, dar si sa dau linie N catre un cccam, tot din ce mai e pe clei, cu dvbapi dezactivat, deci numai ca emu.

O traducere aproximativa dintr-un fisier help vechi pentru a configura fisierul wicardd.conf suna asa:

# Command line switches
#-H help show help
#-D daemon to run in daemon mode
#-V verbose
#-C [filename] use config filename to use a different configuration file / etc / wicardd.conf and. / Wicardd.conf
#-L [filename] use log filename
#-B [arg] configure WiBase configuration of radio bases
#-W [arg] configure WiCard configuration radiosonde
#-C calibrate mode
#-A spectrum analizer mode
#-R log rssi / lqi
#-L [channel] card logger logging protocol maps and radiosonde

#-W "arg = 1: arg1 =: arg2"
# Args:
# Show display settings radiosonde
# Devaddr = 1 .. 7 to assign address radiosonde
# Atrno = 0 .. 15 to use the ATR number 0-15
# Atrconf = additional protocol settings Access Card
# AtrX = 3B240030423030 set a value for the ATR number X (atr0 =, atr1 =, ... atr15 =)
# Freqno = 0 .. 3 use frequency channel 0-3
# Updatefw update the firmware of the radiosonde
# Calibrate calibrate the transmitter frequency ()

# Example: wicardd-w "devaddr = 3: atrno = 5: freqno = 1"

#-B "arg = 1: arg1 =: arg2"
# Args:
# Show display settings radio bases
# Freqno = 0 .. 3 use frequency channel 0-3
# Updatefw update the firmware radio bases

[Global] # global settings
log = / tmp / wicardd.log # name of the log file, the default output to the console
log_size = 1 # max log size in kilobytes
debug = 0 # include global debug messages 0 - off, 3 - detailed log
daemon = 0 # 1 - run in daemon mode
ecm_cache_size = 128 # ECM cache size
account_file =. / wicard.account # path to the file with the description of users
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section

[Webif] #
port = 8081 # HTTP server port
debug = 3 # logging level 0 - 3
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section

[Card.auto] # if a section is included - Added, will be automatically processes
# Process requests from radiosondes are not described in the section (s) [card]
cas = auto
channel = x
debug = 3
auto_update = 1
auto_idents = 1
send_null_ins = 1 # 60 team poison tuner (card is busy)
delay_after_ecm = 400
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section

[Server] # Server Configuration
type = newcamd525 # server type (supported newcamd525)
caid = 0500 # CAID coding system
ident = 020710 # add force ident (multiple - specify each on a new line)
! Ident = 023700 # exclude ident (makes sense for auto_idents = 1)
auto_idents = 1 # automatic import of all ident with reader devices with the same CAID
auto_update = 1 # enable EMM queries
au_reader = 0 # number of reader or the name of which will be sent EMM requests
ua = 01020304050607 # unique address / card number
sa = 07060504030201 # multicast address / card number
port = 15000 # server port
key = 0102030405060708091011121314 # DES key
filter = name, idx # list of used filters
debug = 3 # logging level 0 - 3
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section
ecm_queue_size = 8 # size of the request queue

# Source configuration section DCW
type = newcamd525 # type - the customer newcamd525
account = login: password @ host: 15000:0102030405060708091011121314
filter = name, idx # list of used filters
debug = 3
reconnect_delay = 10 # in seconds
keepalive = 0 # in seconds
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section
ecm_queue_size = 8 # size of the request queue

type = openxcas # built-in card reader AzBox
device = 0 # number of card reader
debug = 3 # logging level 0 - 3
handle_pts = 1 # enable the switching speed of the exchange with the access card
emm_process_delay = 10 #
write_delay = 0
filter = name, idx # list of used filters
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section
ecm_queue_size = 8 # size of the request queue

type = emuvia # emulator viaccess
debug = 3 # logging level 0 - 3
caid = 0500
file =. / SoftCam.Key # file with the keys
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section
ecm_queue_size = 8 # size of the request queue

type = emucworks # emulator CryptoWorks
debug = 3 # logging level 0 - 3
caid = 0D00
file =. / SoftCam.Key # file with the keys
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section
ecm_queue_size = 8 # size of the request queue

type = emubiss # Support yes BISS
debug = 3 # logging level 0 - 3
file =. / SoftCam.Key # file with the keys
active = 0 # otlyuchenie section
ecm_queue_size = 8 # size of the request queue

[Account] # user configuration section (repeated for each user)
# Ispulzuetsya to restrict access to the server as described in section [server]
login = wicard
password = wicard
auto_update = 1 # accept AU
filter = 0, name1, name2 # use the filter

# [Filter]
# Rule = [condition], [criteria], [assignment], [assignment], [action]
# Conditions:
# Caid, ident, class, sid, chid
# Caid = 0500,0 B00 - positive if caid request one of these
# Limit n, s, b, m - n s surprising number of requests for seconds
# Marked N - check request token (logical OR marker and N)
# Banned - check to the banks
# For all conditions supported by a logical NOT
# Caid! = 0500,0 B00 - positive if caid request differs from the above
# Assignment:
# Caid: = 0
# Ident: = 0
# Chid: = 0
# Steps:
# Accept - work request
# Reject - reject the request
# Skip N - N skip rules
# Mark N - mark request
# Ban N - ban on N minutes
# Fakecw - return empty CW

name = name
debug = 3
rule = caid = 500; ident = 030600; reject
rule = caid = 500; ident = 023700; accept
rule = caid = 4ae0; ident = 0; caid: = 4ae1; ident: = 11; accept
rule = fakecw

Toate configurarile se fac intr-un singur fisier, in rest aveti nevoie de executabilul destinat receptorului/pc-ului/etc si scriptul de pornire.
Pe dream am:
- wicardd-mipsel in /usr/bin
- script in /usr/script
- wicardd.conf in /usr/tuxbox/config
- diverse fisiere care nu pot fi postate in /usr/keys


PS:Il gasiti in download panel la diverse receptoare, vine cu configurarile destinate receptorului vostru si de acolo mai departe vedeti ce poate face.:)
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Re: Wicardd

Unread postby ASiX88796 » 02 Nov 2013 02:26

Wicardd 1.16 [mipsel only] - preload version.
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Re: Wicardd

Unread postby ASiX88796 » 03 Nov 2013 23:59

Am pornit wicardd în verbose mode şi am observat un lucru interesant. Wicardd face inventarul pe server şi accesează toate conturile pe care le găseşte (mie mi le-a luat din CCcam.cfg newcamd.list şi cccamd.list).


Pe server se identifică ca client versiunea 2.0.00

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Re: Wicardd

Unread postby szandras » 20 Apr 2016 07:40

Buna ziua!

Am in casa un Azbox Me cu Open ATV 5.3 instalat si un Amiko Alien STB 8900 cu Sparc instalat.
Nu reusesc sa instalez OScam decat ca extensie ipk.
Am instalat Wicardd 1.14 ipk.
Wicardd 1.14 a pornit cardul!
Pot face home cardsharing cu wicardd?
Wicardd 1.14 este instalat pe Azbox Me (Open ATV)
Cum trebuie configurat in enigma 2 (Open ATV)?
Cu OScam nu ma descurc.Sa renunt la Oscam?
Nu ma pot conecta in oscam-webif pentru a incerca niste setari.
As dori sa folosesc Azbox Me ca server si Amiko Alien STB 8900 ca client,deci o partajare in casa pentru doua televizoare.
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Re: Wicardd

Unread postby Rokky » 22 Feb 2021 19:41

Ca sa nu mai deschid alt post poate inutil daca nu se foloseste acest emulator,gasesc la sectiunea Softcams `gbox.net811k.
Ce fel de emulator este si la ce foloseste?
Iar apropo de Wicardd,mai este actual sau folosit?
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Re: Wicardd

Unread postby ASiX88796 » 22 Feb 2021 20:06

Păi scrie în primul post lucrurile esențiale despre Wicardd. Nu s-a schimbat mare lucru la el. Este folosit de ruși pentru că "știe" să citească cartelele Tricolor în afara receiverului original. Se folosea la noi pentru că deschidea câteva canale de la UPC, ORF și TNT sat. Acum că există OScam EMU nu mai e nevoie de el. Eu l-am șters după ce am observat că umblă prin receiver și colectează username/parole.
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