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Unread postby wesley » 02 Jan 2014 23:57

Asa de inceput de an sa fac si eu un share la un emu de 350 euro
merge doar pe sisteme x86(id ROOOOOOOT)
E functional,merge si din ce am inteles trebuie uid/gid 0 pt hwid check(eu am vazut la lansare un sleep de 6000 in ps x dar nimic altceva)
1. se da rename la /usr/sbin/dmidecode in dmidecode2 de exemplu
2. se creeaza dmidecode cu textul de aici (pt a face bypass la HWID...emuleaza HWID pe pe PC-ul pe care aveam licenta)
3. cd /var/etc
4 wget
5 mv eisleg BBcam.x86
6 wget
7 mv KZLG7W licence.dat
8 se editeaza CCcam.cfg (exact ca si cum ar fi CCcam..pana la urma aia e..un 3C tunat)
9 ./BBcam.x86

Porneste in BG e necesar sa puneti 256 la N
NU BAGATI MAI MULT DE 10C in EL ca omorati orice rec cu linia pe care o scoate :)
tot ce intra hop1 pleaca tot hop1(simuleaza card local din C cum facea ccc vechi cu N 256)
Da mai departe hop1=hop1 din C/N
Versiunea de ccc e 2.2.1 parca
+ multe alte tampenii

Mai am si Kpcs/Oscam versiuni private care afiseaza(doar afiseaza) un ecm la jumatate de multe alte emu/scripturi
Have fun
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Re: BBcam(Mycam)

Unread postby wesley » 03 Jan 2014 00:19

asta face:
MyCam R02
This version of MyCam is working with Linux 32 and 64 bit Operating Systems. Recommended operating System is UBUNTU, CentOS or Fedora
MyCam R02 will be limited to 100 users. The requests are counted after payment confirmation. If more payments at same time, then the 100 limit will be increased with a few licences.
The MyCam R03 realease is scheduled to 2012.

Memberships Levels :

MyCam Reshare Feature Basic-> Membership Level (donation fee) (Title)
Reshare 1->100 euro (Basic I)
Reshare 2->150 euro (Basic II)
Reshare 3->200 euro (Basic III)
Reshare 4->210 euro (Basic IV)
Reshare 5->220 euro (Basic V)

MyCam Version Report-> Extra Membership Level (donation fee) (Title)
CCcam 2.0.11-> + 0 euro (Extra I)
CCcam 2.1.0-> + 20 euro (Extra II)
CCcam 2.1.1-> + 20 euro (Extra III)
CCcam 2.1.3-> + 30 euro (Extra IV)
CCcam 2.1.4-> + 20 euro (Extra V)
CCcam 2.2.0-> + 30 euro (Extra VI)
CCcam 2.2.1-> + 30 euro (Extra VII)

Special Features-> Super Membership Level (donation fee) (Title)
MyCam Freeze HOPs-> + 100 euro (Super I)
MyCam Bring all to HOP0-> + 100 euro (Super II)
MyCam Bring all to HOP1-> + 50 euro (Super III)
MyCam Bring all to HOP2-> + 25 euro (Super IV)

Support Subscription-> Dummy Membership Level (donation fee) (Title)
Installing Support-> + 150 euro (Dummy I)

1. MyCam Reshare Feature – means the level of reshare ( it will ignore your peer settings and you will get the specified reshare level , even he is not giving any reshare rights in F line)
Example : For Reshare 2 all your C lines cards can be reshared two more hops even you are not allowed to.
F: sample sample { 0:0:1 } will be equivalent to F: sample sample { 0:0:2 } (this is reshare2 case)
Obs.: On peer’s side the only method to detect MyCam is a huge ECM rate, if you have enough peers is impossible to detect

2. MyCam Version Report – Is the version that will be reported to your clients and also to your peers. Using this feature you can choose what version of MyCam will be displayed on clients and peers side.

Obs.: This feature is simply impossible to detect

3. Special Features :
- MyCam Freeze – Means that you won’t lose any additional hops on reshare, if you see for example 5 cards in hop 1 from your peers, you will reshare those cards as being in hop1 to your clients. Same thing will happen with cards from hop2, hop3 and so on (shortly hop freeze)
Example :
Your Server What YourClients See
Hop 1 = 5 => Hop1 = 5
Hop 2 = 40 => Hop2 = 40
Hop 3 = 100 => Hop3 = 100
- MyCam Bring all to HOP 0 – All the cards from your peers will be reported as being in HOP 0 to your clients

Example :
Your Server What Your Clients See
Hop 1 = 5 => Hop1 = 145
Hop 2 = 40 => Hop2 = 0
Hop 3 = 100 => Hop3 = 0
- MyCam Bring all to HOP 1 – All the cards from your peers will be reported as being in HOP 1 to your clients

Example :
Your Server What Your Clients See
Hop 1 = 5 => Hop1 = 0
Hop 2 = 40 => Hop2 = 145
Hop 3 = 100 => Hop3 = 0
- MyCam Bring all to HOP 2 – All the cards from your peers will be reported as being in HOP 2 to your clients

Example :
Your Server What Your Clients See
Hop 1 = 5 => Hop1 = 0
Hop 2 = 40 => Hop2 = 0
Hop 3 = 100 => Hop3 = 145

Obs.: This features can be detected only on client’s side, if they have a very good understanding of CCcam Servers and Protocols
Membership Examples and donation fee :
1. Basic II + Extra I = 150 euro
2. Basic II + Extra VII = 180 euro
3. Basic III + Extra VII = 230 euro
4. Basic II + Extra IV + Super I = 275 euro
5. Basic III + Extra I + Super II = 315 euro

Issuing method :
One MyCam Server on one Physical Host for one Membership Package

There are only two files MyCam binary and the licence. It has the exact options like a regular CCcam server, so it has no support because it will work by following any CCcam tutorial. That is why the price for Dummy is so expensive and in fact that is why the package is called dummy. And if there are real problems you will have free support, but not for stupid questions !

On each release we add new features, so you will have to pay for it, any patch on same release is free

There is no online demo !

The only reason for the high price is to protect the cardsharing community, and for this reason it will never be free.

Nu bagati in seama si partea de am reusit sa-i fac bypass la hwid atunci cand l-am luat(2011)
Nu-l folosesc..doar l-am testat si chiar face ce spune mai mare parte
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Re: BBcam(Mycam)

Unread postby wesley » 03 Jan 2014 00:36

POSTUL DE MAI SUS A FOST IN 2011 RECLAMA celui care vindea acest emu(de unde l-am "cumparat" si eu)
VERSIUNEA POSTATA ARE LIC PT PC MEU + HWID bypass pt a fi utilizata pe alte PC
Sa nu dea drac sa va aud de PAY SERVER SAU PROSTI DE GENUL ASTA!

"""The only reason for the high price is to protect the cardsharing community, and for this reason it will never be free."""
Na ca e FREE ma ...e facut de un roman din drac romani ca suntem buni la asa ceva(de unde o fi avut el sursa de ccc oare?)
Oricum l-am postat pana acum pt simplul motiv ca e pt smenuit hop0....dar asa vede si ZMEURA ca se poate fura si cu ccc nu doar cu oscam
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Re: BBcam(Mycam)

Unread postby ASiX88796 » 03 Jan 2014 16:17

wesley wrote:...(de unde o fi avut el sursa de ccc oare?)... se poate fura si cu ccc nu doar cu oscam.

Nu fă confuzie între aplicaţia CCcam şi protocolul CCcam.

Individul nu a avut sursa CCcam, el a făcut o aplicaţie care comunică cu alte aplicaţii (clienţi/servere) prin protocolul CCcam. Diferenţa este că aplicaţia lui nu respectă protocolul CCcam şi transmite date false (cum ar fi hop-ul).

Protocolul CCcam a fost "studiat" de mulţi şi prin reverse engineering a fost descifrat (bănuiesc că la ora actuală în întregime). Odată descifrat, a fost implementat în majoritatea SoftCAM-urilor (OScam, MGcamd, sBox, etc) şi în firmware-ul de la multe "conserve". Singura soluţie de a nu "fura" prin protocolul CCcam a fost continuua actualizare a lui. Din păcate "CCcam Team" sa oprit din a scoate versiuni noi şi astfel aplicaţiile care folosesc protocolul în mod abuziv s-au înmulţit din ce în ce mai mult. Dacă ar scoate acum o versiune 3.0.0 ar sări ca arşi toţi furăcioşii, aşa cum au sărit când apăruse 2.3.0, că are backdoor, că are ECM mai mare, etc, pe când în realitate era riscul ca aplicaţiile lor false să fie descoperite.
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Re: BBcam(Mycam)

Unread postby zmeura » 03 Jan 2014 16:58

Mie mi-a placut gluma asta:
"""The only reason for the high price is to protect the cardsharing community, and for this reason it will never be free."""

Inca o varianta de emu dedicata payserverelor, care va salva cardsharingul. :haha:
In plus e vechi si inutil.

PS: Cat mai merge sa facem schimb intre noi ... facem,dar cu carduri,nu cu vrajeli.Cand va muri de tot ne vom uita la FTA si pe net.
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Re: BBcam(Mycam)

Unread postby wesley » 03 Jan 2014 17:10

Este softul/programul/emu CCcam vorbim de protocol..probabil e vb de ccc 2.0.11(sursa a fost publica acum cativa ani).
Nu e vb de protocolul 3c cum are si vdr sau osc....oricum nu conteaza..e din 2011 emu vrut doar sa va arat ca se poate .....
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Re: BBcam(Mycam)

Unread postby wesley » 03 Jan 2014 17:17

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :dance2: :jump: :P :P :tong: :tong:
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