NeutroLux HD

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NeutroLux HD

Unread postby Meridian » 29 Sep 2013 21:09


Toate imaginile Neutrolux au user si pass identic, indiferent de versiune: root/root

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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby Meridian » 17 Dec 2013 06:16


Code: Select all


- [ Plugin ] Youtube favorites v.0.6 by musicus updated / to manage Search
- Xupnpd over ip: 4044 callable
- New StandardConfigs ( as some are overwhelmed with settings)

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
- Feed blue button > scripte > logos invite
- Feed Blue button > Load scripte > Channel list
- New Oscam
- Zap faster
- P + and P key for a user purely made ​​(this goes up down not in the cross - can be changed in menu> settings> buttons )
- Senderlistenupdater installed for satellite , KabelDE , UM ( order kabelde I just any lists yet on the feed)
- Added new logos
- New Channel List
Added boot logo -
- New add 3GP and ogm
- Nkparser , gui / movie browser : Improving
- Display mini fluttering fix
- Changelog - got to look screwed times see what she looks like now
- Fix for crash by adjusting the % Schrfift etc.
- And several more which are not seen in the menu
- Call Fritz with lua works now (thanks to Ultimul )
- Oscam with emu called - menu- > flex > emu > oscam
- Oscamemu = ymodt49
- Power Cinema cache set
Youtube now with preview
- New cinema network with search function by several categories menu > multimedia > network- cinema > menu key > category selection eg family cinema then start looking
- New Satelites.xml
- Several Webtvlisten zugrfügt - 1 is currently only loaded , the other menu by simply inflict
- New tuner driver + fix avatar2 , alien2 , GM one
- Call Fritz Lua (blue fritz call) should now work ( please test and report in a new thread in discussions )
- Extended display (to be complete by going updates)
- Webtv drinne in channel list
- Wlansuche ( in kernel before his chip enable )
- Menu > Settings > LED > new set here
- [ Plugin ] Youtube favorites v.0.5 by musicus updated / to manage Searches
- Dolby Digital Plus , EAC3
- YMOD t49
- Oscamemu added
For example, inserted new logo - the wonderful world etc.
- [ Plugin ] Youtube favorites V.0.4 by musicus updated / to manage Searches
- JFFS2 added ( should work )
- CEC Fix ( works )
- Oscam = oscamemu and oscamemu = t48
- FB spark old / new added Webif thx Ultimul
- Picons update
- [ Plugin ] Youtube favorites V.0.3 by musicus updated / to manage Searches
- Gbox twin added 1 Record and watch 1 or 2 shots just
- All emus go now, even mgcam , camd3 etc.
- Fixed 28.5 Judder
- [ Plugin ] Youtube favorites V.0.2 by musicus added / to manage Searches
Zugeügt Auto Timer v0.18 -
- Fritz call untested added (I have not tested the fritz )
- Grapf lcd fix (but has always been entire months )
- Video settings : add HDMI color format selection - that's new> menu> settings> video> hdmi now switchable - rgb etc
- Drivers in 7111 Tuner
- Record fix - go back
- 2 times oscam , normal and t44 bootable
- Many new things internally , renderer u.s.w.
- Update enough - you do not play new image
- New Channel List
Added new logos -
- To feed and samba , ntfs and lua to nachinstalieren
- Fixed bug and added new Oscam t 40
- To feed is openVPN with enable password
Added youtube player and several more -
- New Multics added
- New lua additionally installed by online update
- Rass radio text - tv / radio button then , for example, select SWR3
- Sbox added (still no config)
- New Emu wicard ( experimental! ! ) Can for example make funcard , cs357 , conax cas 7 u.s.w.
- new ( blue button ) wWrowser - who ne keyboard has bissel can play with it , that's not chrome , firefox etc replacement - questions such as " how can I surf , fav store etc. , are currently pointless
- New emu t39 added S02 , V13 go 1a unlock
- I do not like nor really long time operation with emu , there goes best mgcamd , others by example 35 std . Raking it there once and reboot necessary
movie - browser- new item - Analysis of TS files
- In the VAR folder / tuxbox / config are two lists for a webtv - only German , one with all sorts of
- Recording Corrected for Oscam
- Recording will play back , directly underneath the key is for winding and works for me
- Libplayerfix
Fixed streams
Fixed station list -
- satelites.xml missing are still there at Astra 2 transponder incorrect
- For Plus screen test in order to turn off
- Start / stop video tool at
- EPG added - Menu> OSD > Channel List - off, only programs with MINI TV
- Progress bar switchable
- Blue button games
- Blue button neutrino plugins , emu point
- AdZap (advertising Zapper ) is inside
- Flex Menu integrated ( NeutrinoHD plugins)
- Movie Player GOTO integrated function
- 3D modes Side-by-Side/Top-Bottom/Tiled
- Setting possibilities on flood OSD
- Info Viewer displays the correct button names
- Lautstaerkeanhebung / lowering is adjustable per audio channel
- GraphLCD ( the cheap LCD that there was at Pearl ) is supported
- HDMI -CEC is integrated
- Mount / Unmount the drive menu
- LED feedback when pressing the remote control
- FreeSat and Viasat EPG is supported (also MHWEPG , via a batch job)
- OSD display for PSI settings ( hue, contrast , ...)
- Logos neutrino and E2 - Picon are supported
- Oscam calling IP: 8888 webif oscam
- Ip normal webif neutrino
- NTFS HDD can be described (but slow! )
- FTP support, rights such as 755 can be set with any FTP program
- WebTV +4 pornokanaele
- UPnP Browser
- TuxBox Commander
- Tuxwetter
- New wireless drivers integrated
- Multiple languages

Instructions E2/Neutrino flash :

To prepare for the boot loader [ SPARK ] on [ ENIGMA ] must be changed :
Switch off the machine at the main switch on the back -
- Keep pressured when switching the [OK] button to [ FORC ] appears on the display
- Selected league now with the arrow key [ V] now [ ENIG ] and confirm with [ OK]
- Box now flashes for a few seconds
- Switch off when finished > Box

Flashing of Enigma2/Neutrino :
- Folder [ enigma2 ] on the USB stick create
- Unzip and copy the two files " e2jffs2.img " + " uImage " to the folder [ enigma2 ] to the stick
- Stick to the infected device is switched off
- Keep pressured when switching the [OK] button to [ FORC ] appears
- Now Arrow [>] button Press to update from a USB stick > now the upload will begin to flash , recognizable by [U LD ] in the display
- The device boots anschliesend selbstaendig new

Blue button > Flex Menu > emu - emu desired start ( oscam ip: 8888 card ready to activate )
To oscam questions or provide Emugedoehns in the field , not here

Create the scripts as oscam etc are not meant to be an emu start on life
take DCC and simply edited the ubouqets.xml or an editor
Files change in BINAR mode , for example, filezilla is set to Auto - that's 100 % in the pants !


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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby popa1979 » 19 Dec 2013 20:12

Cum se pun si alti sateliti inafara de astra?
Amiko alien 2 triple+
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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby popa1979 » 19 Dec 2013 21:57

cum activez cccam,oscam samd?
Amiko alien 2 triple+
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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby Meridian » 20 Dec 2013 06:45

@popa1979 - Iata cum se procedeaza in cazul in care doresti si alti sateliti in afara de Astra. E altfel decat ti-ai fi putut imagina pe Neutrino! E diametral opus setarilor din Spark sau Enigma 2!!!

===== Cum se alege lista de sateliti ======

1. Se intra la "service"


2. Se alege "servicescan"


3. Dai enter pe "setup tuner"


4. Alegi unul dintre tunere [in cazul meu tuner 1]


5. Enter pe 'select satellites'


6. Pui 'on' in dreptul satelitului dorit


7. Apesi pe "back-ul" de deasupra listei de sateliti


Dupa ce ai revenit la punctul 5, apasand pe "back", avem semnal de la satelitii alesi de noi. Ramane doar sa le dam si comanda diseq: A,B,C,D

======== Cum dam comanda diseq ==========

1. Pentru inceput alegem "DiSEqC 1.1"


2. Apoi intram la 'setup satellites input LNB"


3. Alegem satelitul Eutelsat 7 E [dau exemplu cu cel pe care il ai in 1 A]si apesi tasta enter de la telecomanda pentru a-l selecta


3. Se ajunge in acest loc si aici incepem sa punem lucrurile la punct


4. Alegem "DiSEqC input" si punem 1 [cazul tau care ai iesirea pe Eutealsat 7 E in 1 A] si apasam tasta "back"


5. Apasam din nou pe "back"


6. Selectam 'DiSEqC Advanced"


7. Apoi intram la 'setup satellites input LNB"


8. Apasam tasta enter si alegem Eutelsat 7 E


8. Alegem 'uncommited input' 1 [adica in cazul nostru devine 1 A]


Punct final: se da de 4 ori "back" si testam semnalul!

DiSEqc Astra 28.2 - iesire 4 D


Test semnal 28.2 E


==== Actualizarea listei de sateliti ====

Daca doresti sa ai la zi lista de sateliti, trebuie sa inlocuiesti 'satelites.xml' din var/tuxbox/config cu una noua!


Lista de sateliti 180 E - 177 W [ultima actualizare realizata astazi: 20.12.2013]


Link 1 Link 2

Se dezarhiveaza zip-ul de la download si ceea ce rezulta se pune la var/tuxbox/config

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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby popa1979 » 20 Dec 2013 12:50

Ok am descoperit pana la urma era totul mai simpluu decat credeam
Unica chestie ce nu am descoperit inca este cum pornesc sau opresc cccam,oscam deoarece le vad ca sunt instalate, cu dcc,dar nu stiu din meniul decului unde se vad.

1 :goodj
Amiko alien 2 triple+
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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby zmeura » 20 Dec 2013 12:59

Ai nevoie de script pentru pornirea sau oprirea lor,altfel nu au cum sa iti apara in meniu si sa le poti comanda din telecomanda.Citeste aici un pic ca sa intelegi viewtopic.php?f=64&t=89
"Sa fie bine ca sa nu fie rau"
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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby Meridian » 20 Dec 2013 15:43

@popa1979 - Unica chestie ce nu am descoperit inca este cum pornesc sau opresc cccam,oscam deoarece le vad ca sunt instalate, cu dcc,dar nu stiu din meniul decului unde se vad.


Apasand tasta 'albastra' de pe telecomanda iti apar mai multe optiuni.

Apasa pe Flexmenu


Apasa tasta rosie

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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby popa1979 » 20 Dec 2013 15:55

Multumesc asta cautam,dar ca fiind in germena nu intelegeam,este unica versiune ce merge bine pe Amiko Alien 2 triple+
Amiko alien 2 triple+
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Re: NeutroLux HD

Unread postby Meridian » 20 Dec 2013 16:28

Aceasta imagine lucrata de un team din Germania a pus in valoare un receptor fara suport. Se cauta solutii pentru anumite care Alien le are din fabricatie! Imaginea e realizata doar din pasiune! Personal le-am trimis toate erorile pe care le-am intalnit pe NeutroLux Hd. Tot ce le-am semnalat au rezolvat in proportie de 90 %....restul probabil se va reusi pe parcurs. Se lucreaza in continuare la aceasta imagine, cum am zis, total diferita de Enigma 2 sau Spark. E o imagine exceptionala!

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