TrialTuner Driver 2.0b for DM800se v2

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TrialTuner Driver 2.0b for DM800se v2

Unread postby zmeura » 15 Jun 2014 12:14

TrialTuner Changelog

- Upgraded driver to new kernel version (3.2)
- Supported for openembedded 1.6 and openembedded 2.0
- Fixed usbtuner and vtuner (now they works without any wrapper!)

- Decoder freezes when changing channel on other tuner during registrations. No solutions. Only
locks are available on Enigma2 gui, not managed from driver.

- Fixed FEC capabilities on DVB-C tuner. Works with dvbapi 5 (but not new openpli with full dvbapi 5 migration).
- Using HP code-rate of DVB-T parameters for QPSK inner FEC.
- Fixed usbtuner e vtuner using appropriate wrapper (few days for their releasing).
- Switch from DVB_ALGO_HW to DVB_ALGO_SW on dvbapi for tuning software support.

- Build new driver versions with full dvbapi 5 support.

- Enigma2 crashes on some DVB-T channel (ex. Rete4) with Vhannibal DVB-T settings.
It may be fixed doing an automatic scan on DVB-T tuner without deleting current channels.
- Decoder freezes when changing channel on other tuner during registrations. No solutions. Only
locks are available on Enigma2 gui, not managed from driver.

- Fixed video reproducing of hdd recorded
- Fixed tuning DVB-S frequency when switching from VHF DVB-T frequency.
- Fixed channel switching from dvb-c/t to dvb-s (some times failed to tune)
- Fixed the qam256 frequency from cable (set FEC to 7/8) (thanks to gjstroom for test and support)

- Decoder freeze when change channel on other tuner during registrations. No solutions. Only
locks ara available on Enigma2 gui, not managed from driver.
- usbtuner and vtuner still don't work. There are some problems with demux support. They must be fixed.

- Unfortunately this trialtuner is only a software driver. It's not possible to view, for example, dvb-s while recording dvb-t.
The hardware tuner is a combo, not a real multi-frontends.

- Fixed tuning of VHF frequency of DVB-T.

- usbtuner and vtuner don't work now. They must be fixed.

- First driver release.

- DVB-C must be tested

- VHF frequency of DVB-T can't be tuning.
- usbtuner and vtuner don't work now. They must be fixed.!lgJ2UZAL!8FIF6E8nE ... gXoecJ1dOA
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Re: TrialTuner Driver 2.0b for DM800se v2

Unread postby andym02 » 02 Jun 2017 15:10

Sunt constient ca este un aparat care nu mai atrage atentia , darrrrrrrrr ! :hehih:
Este foarte utila info data de " zmeura" , insa nu stiu cat de multi au folosit acest driver .
Nici pe alte forumuri nu s-a discutat in amanunt acest aspect .
Defapt am ramas surprins cand am aflat ca persoana de la care am luat receptorul nu stia de acest mod de rezolvare , se mergea pe vechea rezolvare cu editat in satelit.xml , in locul unui anume satelit sa puna " frecventele de cablu " , este functionala si varianta asta , dar parca-i pe dos .
O sa prezint cam care este procedura de activare tuner C - T in aparat .
Alegem o img compatibila cu aparatul , mai putin OpenPLi si unele OpenATV .
> instalam img respectiva .
> dupa ce se instal facem setarile minimale , retea ,ora , ....etc
> dezarhivam " TRIAL 2.0b_all.ipk " il copi pe un stik .
> introducem stik in aparat si instalam driverul de tuner , dupa asta aparatul isi da restart .
> acum intram in Meniu si Configuram Tunerul , fiecare in parte ( ptr fiecare dam Save )
> deschidem Dreamset si transferam " buchetele " , banuiesc ca marea majoritate au deja aranjate progrm. TV .
> prin intermediul DCC transferam Emu + fisierele de configurare , fiecare cu atributele sale .
> dupa care dam un restart aparat .

Garantat 100% ca functioneaza . :agree: :goodj

P.S . Daca s-a omis vre-un pas , rog sa se completeze ......... :tong:

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