Re: Setari noi in Oscam

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Re: Setari noi in Oscam

Unread postby dMd » 04 Jan 2014 18:23

Setarea frecventei cardului in cele mai recente versiuni am observat ca ridica inca probleme. Ca atare am sa reproduc ce este recomandat de teamul oscam sa setam in receptoarele noastre. Ar fi indicat, ca fiecare sa isi testeze propriul card (carduri) si sa isi seteze frecventa la care acesta raspunde cel mai bine.


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If you use cardmhz >2000 OScam will switch to PLL clocking. Internal readers of boxes from Dream Multimedia GmbH can be clocked more precise with it.

The used cardmhz should reflect the highest frequency of the PLL crystal in the internal cardreader. OSCam will calculate the best PLL divider that comes nearest to the wanted user card speed specified in cardmhz.

For models with PPC cpu use cardmhz = 3150, for models with MIPS cpu use cardmhz = 2700. Exception is the DM7058, you should use cardmhz = 8300.

E.G. You have a dream 800 HD PVR, thats a mips so you should set cardmhz to 2700. We got a nagra card that should run on 5 MHz. If

you want to clock the card ok just use cardmhz = 2700 an mhz = 500. If you want to overclock it use cardmhz = 2700 and mhz = 900.

Now your card will start to run 9 Mhz. Better monitor it! An overclocked card could run hot or crash suddenly!

Keep in mind that most internal readers of non-dreamboxes clock the cards automatically and copletely ignore any user clockspeed setting. But you should set cardmhz and mhz anyway, as its still used to calculate the correct timings in OSCam. If you set cardmhz/mhz correct the timings will better match with the actual (automatically) clockspeed of the internal card reader. As for a result slighly better ecm responses or more stable functioning.

Dont expect magic here, only overclocking the cardspeed can reduce the ecm response time. Bad timings can only delay it or make the card responses instable!

List of default and overclocking card frequencies

# Default 357
auto clock speed in Dreambox mode set to -1. Further Informations about the various (Dream)Boxes can be found here
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Setari noi in Oscam.

Unread postby dMd » 29 Jun 2014 18:31

Incepand cu versiunea 9761, au fost introduse noi setari pt anticascanding, este vorba de modificari aduse in fisierul oscam.conf

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parameter is optional

acosc_enabled = 0|1

1  =  enable anticascading oder SIDs count
0  =  default

parameter is optional

acosc_max_active_sids = count

maximum activ SIDs with anticascading over SIDs count

0  =  unlimited (default)
can be overwritten per user in oscam.user

parameter is optional

acosc_zap_limit = count

zap limit for anticascading over SIDs count

0  =  unlimited (default)
can be overwritten per user in oscam.user

parameter is optional

acosc_penalty = 0|1|2|3

level of penalty with anticascading over SIDs count:

0 = only logging (default)
1 = send fake DWs
2 = ban user temporary
3 = send real DWs with delay
can be overwritten per user in oscam.user

parameter is optional

acosc_penalty_duration = seconds

penalty duration for anticascading over SIDs count:

0  =  unlimited  (default)
can be overwritten per user in oscam.user

parameter is optional

acosc_delay = milliseconds

delay for anticascading over SIDs count

0  = unlimites (default)
can be overwritten per user in oscam.user

si in fisierul oscam.user

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parameter is optional

acosc_max_active_sids = count

maximum active SIDs with anti-cascading over SID

0  =  unlimited, default
-1 =  use global setting from oscam.conf [global]

parameter is optional

acosc_zap_limit = count
zap-limit for anticascading over SID

0  =  unlimited, default
-1 =  use global setting from oscam.conf.[global]

parameter is optional

acosc_penalty = 0|1|2|3|-1
level of penalty with anti-cascading over SID

0  =  only logging, default
1  =  send fake CW's
2  =  temporary user ban
3  =  send delayed CW's
-1 =  use global setting from oscam.conf [global]

parameter is optional

acosc_penalty_duration = seconds
penalty duration for anti-cascading over SID

0  =  mone, default
-1 =  use global setting from oscam.conf[global]

parameter is optional

acosc_delay = milli-seconds
Dauer des delay für anti-cascading über SID

0  =  none, default
-1 =  use global setting Oscam.conf[global]
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