01. După inregistrare, primul post este obligatoriu la secţiunea Wellcome! (Bine aţi venit!) ; după acest post veţi avea acces la orice rubrică a forumului
02. Inainte de a posta folosiţi funcţia search a forumului
03. Nu se admite quote (citat) pentru posturi consecutive
04. Evitaţi posturile offtopic
05. Este interzisă postarea de keys sau softuri ce conţin keys
06. Nu sunt admise payservere
07. Este interzisă postarea oricărui tip de soft ce incalcă dreptul de autor (fără licenţă), precum şi "serial number" sau "cracks" pentru aceste softuri
08. Se permit doar link-uri către pagini ce nu deţin o descărcare directă; astfel, fiecare utilizator va decide descărcarea respectivelor informaţii pe propria răspundere
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Banarea va putea fi ridicată numai de un administrator al forumului. Folosiţi e-mail :
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01. After recording, the first post is compulsory at Wellcome section ! ; after this post you will have access to any cell in the Forum
02. Before posting use the search function of the forum
03. Not allowed quote for consecutive posts
04. Avoid offtopic posts
05. Posting keys or software that contains keys are forbidden
06. No payserveres
07. Are prohibited from posting any type of software that infringe copyright (without license) , and "serial number" or " cracks " for these software
08. It is allowed only links to pages that do not have a direct download, so every user will decide what to download on his own responsibility
09. Do not accept links or advertisements to other forums, blogs, uploads and Romanian chats with related content
10. No clones ! Those who have more than one username will be banned permanently
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19. Use PM in personal communication with other users
20. Moderators are not required to communicate moving, editing and deleting posts to those users who do not respect the rules of this forum. However, they can do this if it consider it's appropriate
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- delta2k2
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