line N

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line N

Unread postby Paty » 21 Dec 2017 22:29

Salut, cum se poate da o linie N din oscam spre un receiver cu cccam ? Reveiverul cu cccam se afla in alta locatie .Ce setari sant nevoie ? Router,port,.... ??? :tnks:
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Re: line N

Unread postby dMd » 22 Dec 2017 00:52

Setezi in oscam.conf la receptorul server detaliile legate de port si key newcamd


Deschizi in router acelasi port TCP setat in oscam.conf (27027 in cazul de fata) la newcamd

Adaugi in oscam.user un acont sub forma:

user = user_n
pwd = pass_n
caid = 1880
group = X # grupul/grupurile definit/e pe readerul 1880
ident = 1880:000000,000211,002111

In receptorul client la 3C, pui linia N sub forma :
N: IP_fix_sau_DynDns port(27027) user_n pass_n 0102030405607080910... (DES_KEY setat in oscam.conf la sectiunea newcamd, ex imaginea de mai sus)

daca vrei sa dai In receptor client cu oscam, pui in oscam.reader linia N sub forma:

label = linieN
protocol = newcamd
device = dyndns.port
key = 01020304050607080910.... (DES KEY din oscam.conf)
user = user_n
password = pass_n
connectoninit = 1
caid = 1880
ident = 1880:000000,002011,002111
Image Image Nu putem avea tot timpul dreptate.
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Re: line N

Unread postby Paty » 22 Dec 2017 09:15

Mersi mult !! Mai explicit de atat nu se putea :tnks: .

Sarbatori fericite !!
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Re: line N

Unread postby hotm » 27 Feb 2024 11:37

Ce setari trebuie sa fac in Oscam, deoarece ma confrunt cu deconectari ale clientului Newcs din receptorul CCcam. In log nu apare Disconnect, ci apare mereu ca se conecteaza
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Re: line N

Unread postby gobi2000 » 27 Feb 2024 13:20

Pune niște configurări aici sa vedem unde este problema (atentie la datele personale) sa te putem ajuta.
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Re: line N

Unread postby hotm » 28 Feb 2024 10:24


httpuser = useroscam
httppwd = parolaoscam
httpport = 8888
httpallowed =

port = 12000
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 2
reshare_mode = 1
forward_origin_card = 1
#cccignorereshare = 1
#cccstealth = 1
updateinterval = 60
keepconected = 1

logfile = /dev/tty
clienttimeout = 6000
clientmaxidle = 0
nice = -1
preferlocalcards = 2
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
lb_mode = 1
lb_retrylimit = 500
lb_max_readers = 3
cacheex_block_fakecws = 1
#fallbacktimeout = 2500
#cachedelay = 120
#bindwait = 120
#resolvedelay = 30
#waitforcards = 1
#saveinithistory = 1
#keepalive = 1
#clientmaxidle = 0

Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
Port = 34000@0b02:000000;34001@1802:000000;34002@1880:000000;34003@0b00:000000;34004@0500:000000
keepalive = 1
clientmaxidle = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapi_user


label =
protocol = cccam
device =,16354
user = user1
password = pass1
group = 1
caid = 0b02,1802,1880,0b00,0500
cccmaxhop = 3
reshare = 3
ccckeepalive = 1
audisabled = 1
disablecrccws = 1
clientmaxidle = 0

label =
protocol = cccam
device =,39691
user = user2
password = pass2
group = 1
caid = 0b02,1802,1880,0b00,0500
cccmaxhop = 3
reshare = 3
ccckeepalive = 1
audisabled = 1
disablecrccws = 1
clientmaxidle = 0


user = focusptdm800
pwd = paroladm800
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = digiptdm800
pwd = paroladm800
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = digi2ptdm800
pwd = paroladm800
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = directptdm800
pwd = paroladm800
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = freesatptdm800
pwd = paroladm800
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = cccamptdm800
pwd = paroladm800
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = focusptdm500
pwd = paroladm500
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = digiptdm500
pwd = paroladm500
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = digi2ptdm500
pwd = paroladm500
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = directptdm500
pwd = paroladm500
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = freesatptdm500
pwd = paroladm500
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

user = cccamptdm500
pwd = paroladm500
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 3
cccreshare = 2
au = 1

Serverul oscam ruleaza pe un router in care am doua linii cumparate de la payservere si am doi clienti cu Cccam 2.3.0 (un DM800 in si un DM500 in provincie)

WEBINFO PASSWORD : parolacccam
SOFTKEY FILE : /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key
AUTOROLL FILE : /usr/keys/AutoRoll.Key
STATIC CW FILE : /usr/keys/
CAID PRIO FILE : /etc/CCcam.prio
PROVIDERINFO FILE : /etc/CCcam.providers
CHANNELINFO FILE : /etc/CCcam.channelinfo
LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/CCcamR.log

N: IP_Router 34000 focusptdm800 paroladm800 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: IP_Router 34001 digiptdm800 paroladm800 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: IP_Router 34002 digi2ptdm800 paroladm800 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: IP_Router 34003 directptdm800 paroladm800 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: IP_Router 34004 freesatptdm800 paroladm800 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

C: IP_Router 12000 cccamptdm800 paroladm800 no { 0:0:3 }

Similar este pentru DM500.
In Webiful Cccam, la linia Cccam imi apar 0=Zero carduri, iar la liniile N apar cate 1 card, din care si decodeaza, pana cand se reseteaza cumva conexiunea cu serverul.
La linia C imi apare connected time 06:45:33, iar la liniile N doar cateva minute, uneori secunde.

Im Webiful Oscam imi apare:

2024/02/28 07:02:16 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/7609/92:5BFD46DF34DE3CC61DDA75B0F411B50B): not found (3102 ms) by (F/2/2/2) - FilmBox Stars Hungary
2024/02/28 07:02:18 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0D7A/92:B84ED60E9049846E95163D4B0D0446EB): rejected group (0 ms) - Disney Junior Romania & Bul (no matching reader)
2024/02/28 07:02:20 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/1B63/92:55E70D416A0A16EA2FC97049A6DF3233): found (1438 ms) by (P/1/2/2)
2024/02/28 07:02:24 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0193/92:711C59E71F388F1464DEB0C20F9CAAB9): not found (3121 ms) by (F/2/2/2)
2024/02/28 07:02:24 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0B54/92:4BFFAE2F2BCF4DCFB9E79DA1C8583B04): found (57 ms) by (P/1/2/2) - Pro TV
2024/02/28 07:02:29 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/07DF/92:F194ABA903EE68B0BBC949F3F2B1849C): found (2675 ms) by (F/2/2/2) - Eurosport 1 HD (real 175 ms)
2024/02/28 07:02:31 5108EC59 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/1B63/92:5710636C4C7D418AD97BF13AD3B1EBEC): found (1562 ms) by (P/2/2/2)

2024/02/28 07:02:35 08E13C19 c (newcamd) client connected to 34000 port
2024/02/28 07:02:35 08E13C19 c (client) encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (focusptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:02:35 08E13C19 c (newcamd) user focusptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:02:35 08E13C19 c (newcamd) AU disabled for user focusptdm800
2024/02/28 07:02:35 5108EC59 c (client) digiptdm800 disconnected from
2024/02/28 07:02:35 62BE532A c (newcamd) client connected to 34001 port
2024/02/28 07:02:35 62BE532A c (client) encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (digiptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:02:35 62BE532A c (newcamd) user digiptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:02:35 62BE532A c (newcamd) AU disabled for user digiptdm800
2024/02/28 07:02:35 62BE532A c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0D2A/92:6AFF4B0EB33B64877229E3920EE5D96F): found (144 ms) by (P/2/2/2) - Eurosport 2 Romania
2024/02/28 07:02:38 62BE532A c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/040C/92:FE3208FD7CCE174A33E4F3DE12592646): found (2677 ms) by (F/1/1/2) - Digi Sport 3 Romania
2024/02/28 07:02:41 62BE532A c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/79F3/92:B4A2E7F5D0329352985FF583BB0FE36C): not found (3062 ms) by (F/1/1/2)
2024/02/28 07:02:44 62BE532A c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0D7A/92:239C436ED435BFC6C277AD0D1A8EEEA3): not found (3118 ms) by (F/1/1/2) - Disney Junior Romania & Bul
2024/02/28 07:02:46 62BE532A c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/03F4/92:2B366022F0BC3E9239BFB5F3A65A9C24): found (1442 ms) by (P/2/2/2) - CineMaraton
2024/02/28 07:02:50 62BE532A c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/00B3/92:D80A0F88A6FA3D0EA4222A0844BBD649): not found (4701 ms) by (F/2/2/2)

2024/02/28 07:02:54 284C10F7 c (newcamd) client connected to 34001 port
2024/02/28 07:02:54 284C10F7 c (client) encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (digiptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:02:54 284C10F7 c (newcamd) user digiptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:02:54 284C10F7 c (newcamd) AU disabled for user digiptdm800
2024/02/28 07:02:55 08E13C19 c (ecm) focusptdm800 (0B02@000000/0000/7601/A9:99CF760D462AB59FB10065A3E8A577A8): found (193 ms) by (P/3/3/3)

2024/02/28 07:02:59 08E13C19 c (client) focusptdm800 disconnected from
2024/02/28 07:02:59 3397C5F3 c (newcamd) client connected to 34000 port
2024/02/28 07:02:59 3397C5F3 c (client) encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (focusptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:02:59 3397C5F3 c (newcamd) user focusptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:02:59 3397C5F3 c (newcamd) AU disabled for user focusptdm800
2024/02/28 07:03:01 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/1B63/92:13F63DE990D7FC3FF963625A256496B1): found (1335 ms) by (P/1/1/2)
2024/02/28 07:03:06 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/76C1/92:D7B6CB70F35FB9498D69B2725FEA3101): found (1425 ms) by (P/1/2/2)
2024/02/28 07:03:06 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0DC0/92:4B0D6713F657359B25C6F7961648C210): found (178 ms) by (P/2/2/2) - Etno TV
2024/02/28 07:03:06 3397C5F3 c (ecm) focusptdm800 (0B02@000000/0000/3C38/60:E88ACDBFF34F1566F9399A3358800099): not found (5785 ms) by (F/3/3/3)
2024/02/28 07:03:10 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/07DF/92:46D0F8C29607BFF3F1F03D2B8B44E727): found (3470 ms) by (F/2/2/2) - Eurosport 1 HD
2024/02/28 07:03:10 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/1B63/92:FD59FF9D6464893C9A3547F057A43E38): found (187 ms) by (P/2/2/2)
2024/02/28 07:03:10 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/77B0/92:66268965BA139ABE823353AECE1C88CB): found (121 ms) by (P/2/2/2)
2024/02/28 07:03:10 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0D7A/92:1BCC0758F4840374AFA05818AD79A7B6): rejected group (0 ms) - Disney Junior Romania & Bul (no matching reader)
2024/02/28 07:03:16 284C10F7 c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/032F/92:21C609AF623D5C7148B6E6582AFA3189): timeout (6001 ms) by (F/2/2/2)

2024/02/28 07:03:19 4C805E3A c (newcamd) client connected to 34000 port
2024/02/28 07:03:19 4C805E3A c (client) encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (focusptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:03:19 4C805E3A c (newcamd) user focusptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:03:19 4C805E3A c (newcamd) AU disabled for user focusptdm800
2024/02/28 07:03:19 002DE7DF c (newcamd) client connected to 34001 port
2024/02/28 07:03:19 002DE7DF c (client) encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (digiptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:03:19 002DE7DF c (newcamd) user digiptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:03:19 002DE7DF c (newcamd) AU disabled for user digiptdm800
2024/02/28 07:03:20 002DE7DF c (ecm) digiptdm800 (1802@000000/0000/0D2A/92:88AA36ACF1A6B9F2F51D59A918FBFDA0): found (550 ms) by (P/1/2/2) - Eurosport 2 Romania

2024/02/28 07:03:24 4C805E3A c (client) focusptdm800 disconnected from
2024/02/28 07:03:24 612A8ABF c (newcamd) client connected to 34000 port
2024/02/28 07:03:24 612A8ABF c (client) encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (focusptdm800, au=auto (2 reader))
2024/02/28 07:03:24 612A8ABF c (newcamd) user focusptdm800 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2024/02/28 07:03:24 612A8ABF c (newcamd) AU disabled for user focusptdm800

Inteleg sa imi apara freezuri, cand nu gaseste ecmuri, insa nu inteleg de ce se deconecteaza clientul de cccam de la liniile N, iar uneori in logul oscam nici nu apare "disconnected" ci doar ca se reconecteaza.

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